Saturday, December 26, 2009

An Interview With - Greg Egan

Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine, Issue #36, (Sep 2008, Lucy Zinkiewicz, A$8.95, magazine)

"ASIM: Several of your books, Incandescence included, deal with far-future civilisations, and if anything there seems to be a progression towards further-future settings as the books get more recent. Do you see your books as presenting a more-or-less consistent sequence, or are they more along the lines of explorations of alternative possibilities?
GE: None of my novels to date share a future history, though I’ve set some short stories in the same universe as Incandescence. If you look at Diaspora, Schild’s Ladder, and Incandescence, there are galaxy-shaking events, and some very different discoveries about fundamental physics, that make it impossible for any two of those books to be describing the same universe. At the same time, they do all share a set of assumptions that shape some aspects of the culture: that there will never be fasterthan-light travel, but we will eventually be able to exist as software, and transmit that software at lightspeed. The three novels present different stages in the development of the kind of culture that might flow from that situation."

4.5 out of 5

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